Release notes

27 Jan 2021

What’s improved? 🛠 New tracking links We have updated our tracking links. They now use 2 parameters that directly represent the ad and the ad inventory instead of the former ‘affiliate link slug’. This change makes the platform better scalable

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2 Jun 2021

What’s improved? 🛠 Performance report We’ve done a complete overhaul of the performance report. It got a brand-new look, based on the newest frontend technologies, making it super-fast and responsive. The chart component is hidden by default, showing more of

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14 Apr 2021

What’s new? ✨ Tracking vouchers We added a new type of voucher codes: Tracking Vouchers. Tracking Vouchers are unique and connected to a single ad inventory. They can be passed in our transaction pixel or postback to attribute the transaction

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10 Mar 2021

What’s new? ✨ Finance bulk actions It is now possible to perform bulk actions on billing documents. You can update the status of multiple documents at the same time and also send them to the billing recipients with one click.

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11 Aug 2021

What’s improved? 🛠 Billing document fees It is now possible to add multiple fee positions to an invoice and also to add fee positions to self-billing documents. Tracking links Tracking links will now stop working when there is no active

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20 Oct 2021

What’s improved? 🛠 Conversion Path Attribution – 1st Step Touchpoints are finally part of the system. The transaction report is in fact the touchpoint report now, but because there’s always one touchpoint per transaction, the user interface stays the same.

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15 Dec 2021

What’s improved? 🛠 Sign Up as Publisher The process of registration of new publishers has been totally revamped and redesigned. We collect way more information upfront to reduce your manual work afterwords. And thanks to automatic email reminders we also

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10 Mar 2022

What’s improved? 🛠 Conversion Path Attribution – 2nd Step The Performance Report operates on touchpoints instead of transactions now. There are new touchpoint-related options in the user interface: editing a single item, bulk status changing, etc. A single transaction still

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20 Apr 2022

What’s improved? 🛠 Conversion Path Attribution – Final Step The feature is finally ready! Advertisers can choose from five different models of attribution: Last touchpoint (100% of the payout to the last touchpoint) First touchpoint (100% of the payout to

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3 August 2022

What’s improved? 🛠 Conversion Path Attribution Improvements Based on the feedback from our clients, we added many adjustments to how the CPA feature works: PPC and PPV transactions no longer limit the the lookback window Unique touchpoints / one attributed

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24 October 2022

What’s improved? 🛠 Redesigned Trades Listing To make the Offer Creator easier and more user-friendly, we decided to decouple the Trades subsection and transform it into a separate listing. All edit forms are available, and there are interlinks to the

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15 December 2022

What’s improved? 🛠 Multiple Payment Accounts for Publishers We added the possibility to add multiple bank accounts (one bank account per currency). Next, we will focus on adding PayPal accounts. Redesigned Account Settings We redesigned the Account Settings page for

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03 Apr 2023

What’s improved? 🛠 Redesigned Product Feed Edit Form You can now add/edit/delete product feeds straight from the Product Feeds listing. Our new interface is faster, easier, and better looking. As all ad edit forms are now redesigned and available from

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