What’s improved? 🛠

Marketplace for advertisers

We added filters in the advertiser marketplace on traffic channel, vertical, category, country and publisher. These filters use a brand new and improved filtering component which also allows to exclude options.

Easy removal of pending publishers

Unfortunately, not all publishers complete their sign up. Quite a lot never get passed the initial step which leads to a lot of ’empty’ pending publishers. Now, these no longer need to be completed before they can be removed. Note: Only super admin users can remove publishers.

Recipient download

We added the Reach and Traffic Type fields to the downloaded file of recipient contact info. We also added the option to get the response in JSON rather than CSV for easier integration with external tools such as Mautic.

Default target URL parameters

We added support to pass the {traffic_type} parameter in the target URL of an offer. We also added support to use the ‘#’ sign in the target URL

The sidebar navigation is now scrollable on small screen resolutions.

Custom error pages

We added custom error pages to brighten up the disappointment of an error a bit.

Bug fixes🐛

  • Fixed an issue with automatic trades that made it either very slow or even time-out when such a trade was saved.

  • Fixed another issue with automatic trade that was keeping some of the recipients in status ‘preview’.

  • Run a fix to add all missing recipients based on the 2 issues above.

  • Fixed an issue where users were incorrectly redirected when signing back in after their session timeout.

  • Fixed an issue where certain billing documents didn’t get the proper PDF extension when they were downloaded.

  • Fixed an issue where deleting a provider account led to orphaned offers and some other issues.

  • Fixed an issue where certain filters with a saved configuration didn’t show the selected items when the list was loaded.

  • Fixed an issue where the publisher payout list had the wrong column name. ‘Sender’ instead of ‘Status’.

  • Fixed an issue where the new ‘sale date’ in the Polish finance regulations prevented old documents to change status.

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