What’s new? ✨

Advertiser transactions API

Advertiser will now have access to the first method in their API: getTransactions. This will allow them to request a list of transactions. In the coming days the API documentation will be updated with this method.

What’s improved? 🛠

Product feeds

The publisher output feeds will now always have the same column order, making it easier for publishers to process the feeds on their end.

Also the processing of input feeds got an update. Now, not all the mapped fields are required any more for a product to be included in the output feed. Only the field that is mapped to the product_url  will still be required.

Performance report

The recalculation process of the performance report got faster, making the refresh interval smaller and so the performance report will be more real-time.

Transaction report

The transaction report is no longer reloading the complete list after updating a single transaction, making it much faster to update multiple transactions. Please note that the values of the updated transactions are only updated after reloading the report.

Billing document storage

Invoices and credit notes in the status sent or paid are now saved as PDF documents. This will ensure future template updates won’t affect old documents and is a first step in automatically sending the documents.

Billing regulations for Sweden and Finland

The country regulations regarding the invoices and credit notes for Sweden and Finland are implemented. After verification of the implemented rules, manual and automatic document creation is possible.

Bug fixes🐛

Removing publisher accounts

We fixed an issue where the last user is preventing a closed publisher account from being removed.

Billing documents ‘paid date’

We removed the ‘paid date’ that was added to billing documents when they were saved in status Paid .

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