What’s new? ✨

SEPA export for providers

It is now also possible to download a SEPA export file for providers. To do this the customer ID from the bank needs to be provided for all bank accounts that are being used. Please note that the SEPA format is currently the standard format and it might not work out of the box for your bank. In case your bank needs some customisations please consult with our support to get those changes scheduled in our development backlog.

What’s improved? 🛠

Added security through limit publisher edit rights for providers

All publisher fields that appear in the edit view for providers are now read-only to avoid misusage. In addition to that providers are no longer be able to simply switch the publisher accounts.

Bug fixes🐛

  • Fixed an issue where the reference field of an auto trade wasn’t correctly displayed the value when editing such a trade.

  • Fixed an issue where the ad inventory that is loaded by default when requesting a tracking link for a trade from the publisher marketplace is wrong.

  • Fixed an issue where Finance can do insecure requests to manager that might lead to unintentional transaction statuses changes.

  • Fixed an issue where the Account Manager and Sales Manager columns are not taken into consideration when downloading the performance report.

  • Fixed an issue where the Transaction Amount column in the performance report wasn’t recalculation when the reporting currency was changed.

  • Fixed an issue where the tracking links weren’t visible for a certain publisher account.

  • Fixed an issue where the branding of a certain advertiser wasn’t correct.

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