What’s new? ✨

Tracking vouchers

We added a new type of voucher codes: Tracking Vouchers. Tracking Vouchers are unique and connected to a single ad inventory. They can be passed in our transaction pixel or postback to attribute the transaction the connected ad inventory. They make it possible to do more elegant promotions on social platforms such as instagram, to do offline promotions or simply to make sure that voucher codes can not be ‘stolen’ by other publishers.

Tracking vouchers are created in the same way as you would create a normal voucher, but now you have to option to connect it to an ad inventory. The voucher will only be visible to the connected ad inventory. Publisher will now have a filter in the Deals & Voucher list where they can filter for the following types: Deal, Voucher, Tracking voucher.

Along with feature we are also adding a voucher code column to the transaction report. This column will contain any voucher that was passed to us in the transaction pixel or postback. This means we will also show normal vouchers and vouchers that do not even created through our platform.

What’s improved? 🛠

Conversion path reporting

Conversion paths are now calculated all the way back one year prior to the conversion. Previously conversion paths were not going further back than the set expiration time for the tracking method used. The new solution should result in longer and more reliable conversion paths.

Bulk update billing documents

After the release of bulk actions on billing documents last release, we now added the possibility to update the issue date to today when a document is changed from the pro-forma status.

Trade recipient management

It is now possible to filter the ad inventory list and add the filtered selection directly to a trade from the Ad inventory list. In the next future release we will add the possibility to filter that list on data from the performance report (incl. metrics). This will make it extremely easy to find well performing ad inventory and add those to new trades. Besides that we also added support for searching on sID.

Bug fixes🐛

  • Fixed an issue in the getOffer API method that returned unsecured tracking links (HTTP instead of HTTPS)

  • Fixed an issue in the getOffer API to return tracking link in the new format.

  • Fixed an issue that prevented the new offers digest email to not be enabled by default for new publisher users.

  • Fixed an issue that caused an error message to show to the user after sending a billing document per email.

  • Fixed an issue that prevented the click report to load in publisher accounts.

  • Fixed an issue that prevented advertisers from creating a new offer.

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