What’s new? ✨

Automatic trades

Automatic trades automatically create connections with ad inventory that match the selected traffic channels. As an advertiser or provider you can preview all ad inventory that match your selection and exclude them if you don’t want a connection to be created. Automatic trades can have a delay. This means new ad inventory will be added to the trade after the set delay, but are already visible for the advertiser. This gives the opportunity to exclude new ad inventory that you don’t want to work with.

Marketplace filters for publishers

Publishers now have the possibility to filter the offers in their marketplace on: Issue date, Provider, Advertiser, Ad inventory, Country, Payout currency, Transaction type, Vertical and Category.

What’s improved? 🛠

Advertiser creator and settings

The advertiser creator and settings got a complete cleanup and is now using the latest form components to match the rest of the system.

Transactions validation for advertisers

Advertiser are now also able to change the transactions status of their transactions based on a filter selection. Together with the validation based on the transactions IDs this gives them full control. Advertisers are limited to change only transactions to and from the statuses ‘pending’, ‘accepted’ and ‘declined’.

Filtering recipients

Adding recipients to a trade now got easier with two new added filters: Ad media and Status. The filter on ‘Status’ replaces the ‘Show only selected’ option and gives you more control.

Postback parameters

Postbacks now support even more macros/parameters. The following are added: ip, product_group_name, device_type, device_brand, device_model, device_os, device_os_version and device_carrier.

Automatic invoice creation

After the initial release of the automatic billing documents creation a few updates in the process were required. The invoices are now created based on the currency of the offer.

What’s coming? 🔮

The next release is going to be a bit smaller than usually because of the upcoming Christmas holidays. We will work on making a default setting of the publisher marketplace filters saveable per user and updating the publisher registration so it uses the latest form components and saves new publisher in status ‘pending’. This is going to be a first step in making the registration process better.

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