What’s improved? 🛠

Publisher registration

The publisher after registration got cleaned up and updated with the latest form components to match the rest of the platform. Publisher that sign up are now kept in status pending  and have limited access to the system. They can access their settings, but can’t use any other part of the system until their account is set to status active  for the first time. When the registration process is finished a popup informs the publisher that their account is under review and that they will receive an email when the account is activated.

Marketplace filters for publishers

Publishers can now save a default setting for he marketplace filters. Every time they access the marketplace these settings are loaded by default. This is very useful for publisher that don’t want to retrieve offers from other providers or countries. The default settings are saved per user, which means that different users of the same account can have their own set of default filters.

Billing document creators

The billing document creators now force new documents to be saved in status pro forma . After the initial save the documents can be saved in any other status. This is done to avoid issues with the automatic transactions management that’s part of finance automation.

What’s coming? 🔮

After testing the finance automation ourselves over the past month, we’re currently working on making it available for the providers as well. Besides that we’ll work on increasing the real-timeness of the performance report and dashboard, continue the work on the publisher registration, update of the sign in and sign up page (including password reset 💪) and work on increasing the transactions report speed.

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