What’s new? ✨
New offers digest email
Publishers can now receive a daily, weekly, monthly or yearly email with new offers that are available to their marketplace. The offers in the email are matches to the marketplace filter settings that were saved by the publisher to make sure they are relevant.
Saving multiple report configurations
It is now possible for all users to save multiple version of the performance report. New version can be saved and selected again from a dropdown menu in the header. This makes it much faster to switch between different frequently used reports.
PowerOffice integration
We are now able to export billing information to the PowerOffice accounting software.
What’s improved? 🛠
Filtering on banner dimensions
It is now also possible for providers and advertisers to filter (rich media) banners on its dimensions.
Billing overview
The billing overview for providers is now split into two different lists: one for invoices and one for self-billing documents. Not only does this make the lists cleaner, it also sets us up for more advanced controls in the future. For example bulk status changes and bulk sending of documents.
Bug fixes🐛
Fixed an issue where rejected trades where visible in the publisher marketplace
Fixed an issue where the click-to-conversion-time column in the transaction report wasn’t present in the downloaded CSV report
Fixed an issue with uploading recipients to trades
Fixed an issue with downloading recipients from trades
Fixed an issue with filtering and using the paging of the trade recipient list
Fixed an issue that caused tracking links of replaced ads to not always use the target URL of the ad it was replaced with.