These are objects representing the transactions generated by the Publisher. A list of transactions is returned.


  • Path: /api/v1/transactions

  • HTTP verb: GET


  • limit
    A limit on the number of objects to be returned. Accepts integers between 1 and 50. If not specified the default value is 10.

  • offset
    An offset for use in pagination. It offsets the starting point of the returned objects by the provided integer. For instance, if you request a list of the first ten objects, your subsequent call can include offset=10 in order to fetch the next ten objects.

  • currency
    The currency in which the transactions are returned. Affects the values of the fields payout and transactionAmount. Accepts three-letter currency codes specified by the ISO-4217 standard. If not specified the default value is eur.

  • sort
    The field on which the returned objects are sorted before the limit and offset values are applied. Accepts adInventory adInventorySid offer offerSid, country productGroup transactionID transactionAmount payout saved and clickSaved as valid values. If not specified the default value is saved.

  • sortDir
    The direction in which the response is sorted before the limit and offset values are applied. If not specified the default value is desc.

  • savedFrom
    Filter the returned transactions on the minimum saved date. The provided date is included in the range. Accepts date values in the format yyyy-mm-dd.

  • savedTo
    Filter the returned transactions on the maximum saved date. The provided date is not included in the range. Accepts date values in the format yyyy-mm-dd.

  • offerSid
    Filter the returned transactions on the Offer.

  • adInventorySid
    Filter the returned transactions on the Ad inventory.

  • country
    Filter the returned transactions on the country. Accepts two-letter country codes specified by the ISO 3166-1 Alpha-2 standard. Multiple values can be separated with a comma.

  • type
    Filter the returned transactions on their type. Accepts integers from 1 to 5. See definitions for complete reference. Multiple values can be separated with a comma.

  • status
    Filter the returned transactions on their status. Accepts integers from 1 to 7. See definitions for complete reference. Multiple values can be separated with a comma.

  • reference
    Filter the returned transactions on one of their reference values. Returns transactions with an exact match in one of the five reference fields.

Example response

        "status":"approved, invoiced",
        "adInventory":"TC Test Ad Inventory Postbacks",
        "offer":"TC Test Offer",
        "saved":"2016-07-25 18:40:42",
        "clickSaved":"2016-07-25 18:40:21",

Response codes

  • 200 Accepted

  • 401 Unauthorized – No valid account token

  • 408 Request timeout – Request Time Out

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