These are objects representing the Offers that are available for promotion by the Publisher. A list of Offers, grouped by Ad inventory is returned.


  • Path: /api/v1/offers

  • HTTP verb: GET


  • limit
    A limit on the number of objects to be returned. Accepts integers between 1 and 50. If not specified the default value is 10.

  • offset
    An offset for use in pagination. It offsets the starting point of the returned objects by the provided integer. For instance, if you request a list of the first 10 objects, your subsequent call can include offset=10 in order to fetch the next 10 Offers.

  • offerSid
    Return only the specified Offers. Multiple values can be separated with a comma.

  • offerName
    Filter the returned Offers on the Offer name. Multiple values can be separated with a comma.

  • advertiserName
    Filter the returned Offers on the Advertiser name. Multiple values can be separated with a comma.

  • providerName
    Filter the returned Offers on the Provider name. Multiple values can be separated with a comma.

  • adInventoryName
    Filter the returned Offers on the Ad inventory name. Multiple values can be separated with a comma.

  • status
    Filter the returned Offer on their status. Accepts accepted, pending and rejected as valid values.

  • country
    Filter the returned Offers on the targeted country. Accepts two-letter country codes specified by the ISO 3166-1 Alpha-2 standard. Multiple values can be separated with a comma.

  • device
    Filter the returned Offers on the targeted device. Accepts android, iphone and ipad as valid values.

  • vertical
    Filter the returned Offers on their vertical. Accepts integers between 1 and 5. See definitions for complete reference. Multiple values can be separated with a comma.

  • category
    Filter the returned Offers on their category. Accepts integers between 1 and 40. See definitions for complete reference. Multiple values can be separated with a comma.

  • startDateFrom
    Filter the returned Offers on the minimum start date. Accepts date values in the format yyyy-mm-dd.

  • startDateTo
    Filter the returned Offers on the maximum start date. Accepts date values in the format yyyy-mm-dd.

  • endDateFrom
    Filter the returned Offers on the minimum end date. Accepts date values in the format yyyy-mm-dd.

  • endDateTo
    Filter the returned Offers on the maximum end date. Accepts date values in the format yyyy-mm-dd.

Example response

      "name":"Test Ad Inventory",
            "name":"Test Offer",
            "provider":"Test Provider",
            "advertiser":"Test Account TC Advertiser",
            "category":"Fashion & accessories",
                  "engagementType":"Post click",
                  "engagementType":"Post impression",
                  "engagementType":"Post impression",
                  "engagementType":"Post impression",
            "offerDevice": "Android",

Response codes

  • 200 Accepted

  • 401 Unauthorized – No valid account token

  • 408 Request timeout – Request Time Out

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